The Freeza Saga/ Saga Summaries- SSJ4Broli's Temple

Freeza Saga

Freeza knows the power of the Dragon Balls, and he decides to start to search for them and in his search he kills many Namekians. And Vegeta arrives on the Namek planet just like Bulma, Krillin and Gohan. Goku is now all right and he goes to Namek in a space ship created by the Bulma�s father (Dr. Brief) . Back on Namek, Vegeta get one sphere, Bulma, Gohan and Krillin have one too and Freeza has the other five. Vegeta stole the spheres of Freeza getting now six, Freeza very angrily calls The Ginyu Force. When the Ginyu Force arrives on Namek Vegeta, Krilin and Gohan join together to make the wishes that they want, but the Ginyu Force imeidiatly localize them before they can make the wishes. A guy named Recoome almost kills Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan but then Goku (who was training very hard in the space ship) arrives on Namek and beats the crap out of Recoome and Burter. Vegeta beats the crap out of Jase and the Captain Ginyu is transformed into some kind of frog.

Gohan, and Krillin have recovered the seven spheres and they try to call the Shen-long of Namek (I�m not sure what�s his name, so, I will call him Super Shen-Long, if you know his name please e-mail me) but he didn't come out. After that they discover that the Super Shen-Long of Namek must be called in Namekian language, so, they call a friend named Dende who is a Namekian rescued by Krillin and Gohan. Dende call Super Shen-Long in Namek language and the Super Shen-long appears. Dende starts to make the wishes and the first wish was: to revive Piccolo because reviving Piccolo/Kami will be alive too, so, the spheres of earth will be back too. The second wish was take Piccolo to Namek, and then the spheres of Namek disappear because The Eldest Namek dies.

Now Piccolo is on Namek entertains Freeza, in time Goku was preparing to fight. And starts to fight Freeza and Goku, all was right but when Freeza kills Krillin, Goku is very angry and

When Goku see's this he feels a immense Ki an frustration, that power are accumulating and the power of Goku are charging up, Goku is transforming in to a new mode: The Super Saiya-jin mode. His hair is turning in to a yellow color and his Ki is powering up, and with this Goku literally start to annihilate Freeza.

In that time on Earth Kami calls the Shen-long and he makes a wish, that everybody in Namek return to life, so the patriarch is returned to life and with that the Super Shen-Long is alive too, Dende makes the last wish: he wishs that everybody in Namek be transported to the earth except Goku and Freeza.

Goku with this new power beats Freeza before the planet Namek explodes because Freeza tried to destroy it but he failed.

Days after Freeza is some kind of a Cyborg because he has metal parts in his body, and he returns to the earth with his Father The King Cold with the intentions of conquest the planet and to kill Goku. Everybody is very impressed by the new form of Freeza but they were more impressed because a boy with purple hair appears and he turned in to a Super Saiya-jin just like Goku, and he kills Freeza and his father very easily.

A old Saiya-jin legend says that there only can be a Super Saiyajin in a thousand of years, so, every body is confused about this boy because he don�t have the characteristics of a Saiya-jin because he didn't have black hair. Vegeta is very angry now, because everybody on his planet Vegeta thinks that he was to be the next Super Saiya-jin.

They young man tells them that Goku will be here very soon. Goku arrives days after. This boy goes directly to Goku and he explains to him that his name is Trunks, and he came from the future to prevent Goku�s death and the almost destruction of the earth by some Cyborgs of the Red Ribbon, these Cyborgs are the results of the experiments of the Doctor Gero who was searching for the perfect fighter, and the revenge to Goku for destroying his organization a little time ago (like an additional fact, the base of the experiments was on the robot Octavio#8, the peaceful robot who helps Goku in the Muscle Tower), according to Trunks everybody will die in hands of the Cyborgs in as much as Goku can�t fight because he has a strange heart disease (he acquired that disease from the travel back to the planet Namek). To prevent Goku�s death and the almost destruction of the earth. Trunks gives him a special medicine to cure him. But the fact that impresses Goku is that Trunks says that he is the son of Vegeta and Bulma.

When he says good bye, Trunks tells Goku that he most keep his indent because that will put in danger his existents. And he disappears.

A little time after, appear the firsts Cyborgs. The Dr.Gero (C-#20) and the C-#19 and so the Cell Saga begins.

Vegeta Saga|Cell Saga|Buu Saga